Current Parents

Current Parents

Sandroyd School

Nursery Curriculum


EYFS: Nursery 

EYFS Statement of Intent

Our nursery is split into three small groups based on the age of the children: Quails (2 year olds starting nursery); Pheasants (2-3 years), and Kites (3-4 years). All the groups share the nursery space and, importantly, play and learn alongside each other. 

Each child in the nursery is assigned a Key Worker to support and extend the children’s learning. They will communicate with you on a daily basis about your child’s learning and development and will be able to answer any questions you may have.

We follow the ‘Early Years Foundation Stage Framework’ (EYFS) which consists of 7 areas of learning, three of which are the ‘Prime’ areas and are considered to be the building blocks upon which other learning and development can take place. 

Prime Areas:

  • Communication and Language
  • Physical Development
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Specific Areas:

  • Literacy 
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design

All the children in the nursery take part in swimming lessons, P.E., outdoor learning, and French lessons, in addition to their busy schedule in nursery. They also spend time every day with the children in Reception and Key Stage 1, as they play with them at break-times, join them in Pre-Prep hall for assemblies, and share a table at lunch with them.